Simple Keyboard over I²C


I wanted a keyboard for an SRAM project I have been working on. The keyboard was an interesting enough design I felt it warranted its own post. My needs for the keyboard were a minimum of 16 keys - each representing a hex character. I ultimately went with an 18-key keyboard as I had 18 6mm switches handy and it fit nicely on the protoboard.


Disclaimer: I won't go into detail on how a keyboard matrix works or how I²C works, as that is beyond the scope of this post. If you're interested or need an introduction/refresher, Dave Driblin has a classic (and in-depth) reference on keyboard matrices. (Archived)

I decided to go with 3 rows of 6 columns, which meant I'd need 9 pins of the MCU I was using. In this case that MCU was an off-branded version of the SparkFun Pro Mini. For each key I also added a 1N4148 signal diode to handle any ghosting.



For the keyboard alone (without the Pro Mini) the bill of materials is as follows:

Label Component Quantity
SW1-S18 6mm Push Button 18
DW1-D18 1N4148 18


The code is fairly simple. On the high-level it transmits a 3-byte array via I²C. Each of the most significant 6 bits of the 3 bytes represents a key. See the various comments in the code for more specific explanations. For this code I'm using digital pins 2-4 on the Pro Micro for the rows of the matrix and digital pins 5-10 for the columns. The analog pins A4 and A5 on the Pro Micro are used for I²C SDA and SCL, respectively.

#include <Wire.h>

byte keys[3] = { 0 };

void setup() {
  Wire.begin(0x5C);  // Set the I²C address
  Wire.onRequest(sendData);  // Set the handler function

void loop() {

void sendData() {

  // Transmit each byte one at a time
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

void readKeys() {
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    pinMode(i + 2, OUTPUT);  // Enable the current row
    digitalWrite(i + 2, LOW);
    keys[i] = 0;  // Clear the current row's byte
    for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
      pinMode(j + 5, INPUT_PULLUP);  // Enable the current column
      keys[i] |= !digitalRead(j + 5) << (7 - j);  // Read the current column
      pinMode(j + 5, INPUT);  // Disable the current column
    pinMode(i + 2, INPUT);  // Disable the current row


The first prototype build went surprisingly well. After soldering the first row I discovered a better technique for placement of the other two rows' diodes. I also added some screws for feet to make pressing the buttons a bit easier.


Custom PCB

For this project I decided to learn KiCAD. I laid out the schematic above in KiKAD and also designed the PCB below. I added a header for programming the Pro Mini as well. All files are available under deliverables.





Blog Status Update (May 2021)

Wow, 2020 finally ended (yes, I know it's May 2021). Now that that's out of the way, and I have a few weeks of free time, I may post some updates about programming and electronics projects I've been working on.

Watch this space for more!


New Site - New Stuff

Blog Platform

Well I got bored again and built myself a blogging platform.

Hopefully this time I'll actually use it instead of forgetting about it after getting busy.

I have a few things I want to cover initially:

  • Documenting the progress of a game I'm making.
    • Essentially documenting my stumbling introduction to game development.
  • Reviewing other games, new and old.
  • Sharing some of my electronics projects, if I ever finish any.
  • Other similar stuff.

Well, let's see if I keep this up. Thanks for your time.
